Help your mentees shape their future during Scottish Careers Week
Scottish Careers Week is taking place between 15-19 November and we’re working with Skills Development Scotland to support the campaign, and encourage all of our mentors and mentees to get involved!
The theme for Scottish Careers Week is ‘Shape the Future’ and the campaign aims to encourage us all to think about the skills that we need for the world of work in the future.
So, over the weeks ahead, we’re asking all of our mentors to have a conversation with your mentees themed around ‘Shape the Future’. Why not ask your mentee:
- How do they feel about the future?
- How do they see their future career?
- What’s important to them in a career? What sort of job would make them feel happy and fulfilled?
- What sort of skills do they need to develop to support their career?
- Who can help them with their career choices?
It’s critical that we respect the privacy of the young people going through our programme. However, as we seek to grow our programme to support more and more young people, we would like to encourage all of our mentors to share their personal experience of mentoring a young person and the impact it’s had on you.
So, between 15-19 of November, we’d very much appreciate your support in sharing your mentoring experiences using #ScotCareersWeek. By showing your networks on LinkedIn and Twitter that you are supporting care experienced young people, we can raise awareness of the work that we do and encourage more great mentors to get involved.
Future Now:
This new video from Skills Development Scotland talks about how the world of work has and continues to change. It talks about the importance of developing skills like critical thinking, creativity, collaboration and communication that help us grow and adapt in our jobs.
Your local labour market:
This slide deck provides an overview of the jobs that people do broken down by regions across Scotland. It has information on the volume of jobs available and where the jobs are predicted to come from in the future.