We recently submitted a response to the Scottish Government’s consultation on building a Universal Definition of Care Experience. As part of this, we engaged with Care Experienced Young People involved in our Young Talent Programme and our Young National Advisory Board (YNAB). They generously shared their opinions and experiences to help shape our response.
At MCR Pathways, we are committed to ensuring that young people drive our policy and public affairs work
In our response, we’re calling for:
- A broad, opt-in inclusive definition that reflects the lifelong experience of care to help foster a collective sense of identity and belonging for Care Experienced People of all ages across Scotland that can in turn support consistency across service providers and a clear, national direction to increase equity and rights.
- The inclusion of Informal Kinship Care and Unaccompanied Asylum-Seeking Children to ensure that Young People who fall under these have equal status and entitlement to support as their peers.
- National and regional initiatives that are driven by Young People to ensure that education and further awareness building is organised via an integrated approach across the country with the aim of breaking down stereotypes and stigma in the rollout of a universal definition.
- Lifelong Rights for Care Experienced People of all ages to access all the rights they are entitled to and be able to access lifelong advocacy enshrined in future policy and legislation, including further support provided to Young People transitioning from care after their 16th and 26th Birthday that should be unique and tailored to the individual needs.
- Establishment of Care Experience as a Protected Characteristic by the Scottish Government to promote better outcomes for care-experienced individuals and ensure that they will be protected from any discrimination.
- Ensuring consistent and respectful language is used which supports Young People to focus on their continued journey of growth and future opportunity.
You can read our full response here.