Sam’s Journey – Mentoring through their Eyes

At MCR, we know that young people tell their stories better than we ever could. Last month, our Young Ambassadors shared their experiences at our national conference and asked delegates to walk in their shoes – and imagine facing today’s issues as a 15 year old.

Several of our fab young people collaborated to create a powerful video exploring mentoring from their perspective. In it, they shared with touching honestly the fears and insecurities they felt before they met their mentors. The young people used their real experiences to create Sam’s MCR Mentoring Journey and, through it, explain how mentoring has changed their lives. Like Sam, their mentors were there for them. Their mentors listened to their fears, their insecurities and provided support. And like Sam, their mentors helped them discover, grow, and use their talents.The wonderful thing about Sam’s mentor, and all MCR mentors, is that they’re regular people. They come from all walks of life, all ages, all jobs. What connects them is that they care. That’s why they do it. They’re regular people, coming each week to meet with their young person, and that simple act makes an enormous difference.

Meet the Creators

This fab video was created by the following Young Ambassadors from secondaries across Glasgow:



In Glasgow, we’re working with more than 1,100 young people each week, but there are still 831 Sams who hope for a mentor. 831 Sams who feel scared, lonely and isolated. They need a mentor like you to #GiveAnHour and help them reach their potential. By spending just one hour a week listening and developing a relationship you can help an amazing young person like Sam.

We’re sharing their work with you – can you share it with someone you know who would make a great mentor?

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