This week has been Volunteers week and we’ve had a fab time introducing you to just a few of the amazing volunteers working with us! We are absolutely honoured to have the most fantastic people across Scotland, donating their time and supporting young people to find, grow and use their talents.
We’ve received tonnes of positive feedback from our volunteers, so much that we weren’t able to share all of it. So we’ve taken the opportunity to collect a few more of our favourite quotes to share with you – check them out below!
Sarah McVey, Mentor at St. Roch’s Secondary School, Glasgow
“My mentee brings out the best in me. I forget everything else that is going on and focus solely on her. I am patient and calm and just enjoy the time we spend together.”
Georgia, Volunteer
I've been volunteering with MCR once a week for the past couple of months. I love volunteering here because I get to be creative, putting my ideas into materials and getting great feedback at every step. I also get to learn a million things every time I come in. It's been a great way to pick up skills in areas that I hadn't much experience of before, with the added bonus of getting to work in a fun, friendly team!
Alan Gemmell, Mentor at Whitehill Secondary School, Glasgow
“I met so many different mentors in the MCR programme. There’s not two the same, men and women from different walks of life: professional musicians, retired people, teachers, firemen, policemen etc. Everyone really has something different to offer and the MCR programme is clever enough to pair you up with a person that matches your personality and what you have to offer.”
Euan, Volunteer Tutor
The young people we work with are all absolutely amazing, they really make the sessions worth it. To see any progress you've made or work you've done alongside being able to develop your personal skills at the same time is really an amazing thing to do.
Michael Roberts, Mentor at Whitehill Secondary School, Glasgow
“Mentoring has allowed me to continue to use skills I developed professionally. It has enabled me to engage in a new and interesting activity, which is also socially and educationally valuable. It has permitted me to meet some interesting young people.”
Ali McLachlan, St Machar Academy
"It feels great! I love our conversations, which are not always fun – they can provoke challenge, frustration and impotence as well as laughter, fun, empathy and aspiration – however I always come back to the office smiling. I look forward to seeing my mentee each week."
Danielle, Mentor at Shawlands Academy, Glasgow
“It’s honestly amazing, I really love it and both of us look forward to seeing each other. It’s funny how quickly you create a wee bond. We’ve only been meeting each other since August but we already know so much about each other and we look forward to meeting each week.”
Jack, Uni Student & Volunteer
Over the last year and a half, I’ve been able to help with all kinds of projects from writing newsletters and awards applications to editing video and producing social media content. No matter your special skill, there is an opportunity to use it for good at MCR. I give back around two to three hours a week and even with this small commitment I have gained a lot of experience of working in a professional environment and learned how to put my academic skills to use.
Become a Mentor
We now have more than 1000 volunteer mentors matched and meeting young people in schools across Scotland. This is a huge milestone, but we’re not done yet! In classrooms across the country, there are still hundreds of young people who need the supportive ear of a mentor to help them realise their talents. Can you become a mentor and help share our message? It’s just one hour a week, but the difference it will make will last a lifetime. Be part of #TheRippleEffect