What is a Mentor?
When one person mentors, two lives are changed. Across the country, our amazing mentors are working in schools supporting young people to find, grow and use their talent. And anyone can do it, no qualifications needed. Are you interested? Let’s start by finding out what a mentor does.
A mentor’s job is simple: they spend just one hour a week listening to and chatting with a young person at school, supporting them to build their confidence and reach their dreams. Mentors are matched with a young person based on personality, experiences and the young person’s job aspirations. But at the end of the day, It’s all about the relationship they can develop.
Our mentors come from all walks of life – from company execs to fire fighters, baristas to lawyers – and the more people, the better. All young people are different and we want our mentors to be just as varied. Every single person has something wonderful they could offer a young person. All they have to do is give an hour from their week.
How Does it Work?
Becoming a mentor takes 6 stages, which finishes with matching up the mentor and young person.
Step 1: Register
You register on the website by filling in an online form here (just takes 2 min), which helps us to get to know you better.Step 2: Attend an Info Session
Next, you’ll be invited to come to an information session. Here they can learn more about the programme.
Step 3: One to One Conversation
Next you’ll be invited in for a 1:1 conversation with a member of our team. This gives you an opportunity to talk about yourself – including your hobbies, interests, background and job history. This step is super important because we’ll match you with a young person based on your experiences and interests.Step 4: Training
Mentors aren’t just thrown in the deep end with a young person and expected to know what to do! You’ll be invited to attend a Training Session where you’ll learn useful information and helpful mentoring tips.
Step 5: Matching
Almost there! MCR will do this part, which is when we make the best possible match by considering each person’s personality, interests, and what the young people’s ambitions are. We are also careful to make sure everyone’s schedules will work properly together.
Step 6: Meeting
Finally the magic can begin! Mentoring sessions are just one hour a week during the school day, at whenever time is best for both to meet. We ask you to commit to at least a year in order to properly build a relationship.
And remember: there’s no right or wrong way to have a mentor meeting. Over the weeks each relationship finds its own rhythm.
Become a Mentor
If you’re interested in learning more about being a mentor click here to sign up! We’re in schools across Scotland and looking for mentors everywhere. If you’re still not convinced, have a look around at our website at https://mcrpathways.org/ and see what we’re about.